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NSRI to become part of Subsea UK


National Subsea Research Initiative (NSRI) is set to be incorporated into Subsea UK as part of an on-going transition towards the establishment of a Global Underwater Hub.

Subsea UK

Together, the companies will utilize the knowledge, contacts and programmes around technology and innovation to inform and shape a clear, industry-led commercialisation strategy that will be a major pillar of the Global Underwater Hub, Subsea UK stated.

NSRI, the stand-alone organisation for subsea research and development, has been working with Subsea UK for the last six years on supporting cross-sector innovation across the underwater industry.

“The UK’s subsea industry is a major success story with an enviable reputation as a world-leader. With other regions investing heavily in subsea R&D, the UK challenge is to maintain our pre-eminent position”, said Peter Blake, chairman of NSRI.

“NSRI was established to fill a structural gap in the support for accelerating the commercialisation of technology and innovation within the subsea sector”.

Tony Laing, who heads up NSRI, will join Subsea UK, helping to develop new projects and collaborations as part of the Global Underwater Hub, the companies informed.

Both the UK and Scottish Governments will fund the Hub to provide resources to transform the subsea industry.