Norwegian trio gets approval for manned underwater ops

Authorities & Government

Norway’s offshore safety regulator, the Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA), has granted Vår Energi, Equinor and Gassco consent to carry out manned underwater operations in 2022.

Equinor (For illustrative purposes only)

The consents apply to facilities and pipeline systems on the Norwegian continental shelf, and pipelines subject to Norwegian jurisdiction on foreign shelves.

According to PSA, the approval covers planned operations, as well as operational and project tasks for which the need may arise next year.

“The consents are granted on the basis of information we have received from the companies and our processing of the companies’ applications,” the Norwegian offshore safety body said.

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The three companies, as well as Aker BP, had PSA’s approval this year for manned underwater operations.

The consents included planned operations, as well as undefined operational and project tasks, related to the companies’ production licenses and pipeline systems. This also included pipelines under Norwegian jurisdiction on foreign continental shelves.