Norway: Ulstein’s First SX130 Vessel for Neptune Offshore Launched

A launching ceremony for the first of Ulstein’s SX130 for Neptune Offshore took place at Sinopacific shipyard, Zhejiang Shipbuilding in Ningbo China, on Sunday 9th of May. According to Chinese traditions the ceremony included heavy fireworks and congratulations from Shipowner and Shipyard.

The SX130 for Neptune Offshore will conduct inspection, maintenance and repair operations in deep water and is designed with moonpool, integrated ROV hangar, is equipped with 2 x LARS systems for work class ROV and a 150 tonnes crane with active heave compensation.

The vessel will bear Clean Design class notation, Comfort Class V3 and DP2. The vessel will also be fitted with a new solution where exhaust will pass through the catalytic reactors and the residues will be vented from the side of the vessel near the waterline. This gives a full, unobstructed 360º view from the wheelhouse. The vessel will also have the BWM-T notation for new IMO requirement for ballast water treatment.

“Our two vessels will be of the most advanced and effective Light Construction IMR vessels in their class and we are really looking forward to getting them delivered from Sinopacific,” says Oddgeir Husøy, VP Neptune Offshore.

The vessel with an X-BOW® line design combined with diesel-electric propulsion system ensures excellent performances with regards to fuel consumption, sea-keeping and speed.

Equipment package

Ulstein Group delivers comprehensive design and main equipment packages for the two vessels, and also produces and delivers main switchboards, bridge and control room consoles. The vessels will be equipped with an integrated automation system (ULSTEIN IAS®), a communication and infotainment system (ULSTEIN COM®), navigation system(ULSTEIN NAV) and power management system (ULSTEIN PMS).

About Neptune Offshore

The Norwegian shipping company Neptune Offshore was established in 2006, and is based in Fosnavåg in Norway. The two SX130 ships are the first SubSea Construction IMR vessels and the owner has great expectations to the vessel’s workrole in the offshore market.


Source: Ulsteingroup, June 4, 2010;