Norway: PSA Inspects Emergency Preparedness on Gjøa

Business & Finance

Norway: PSA Inspects Emergency Preparedness on Gjøa

PSA Norway, the government’s body responsible for safety, emergency preparedness and the working environment in the petroleum activities in Norway has carried out an inspection on the Gjøa facility, located in Norwegian North Sea.

During the period 5-8 December 2011, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) conducted an audit of emergency preparedness, including the helicopter deck, on the Gjøa platform, 45km from the nearest land.  The audit was carried out with assistance from the Civil Aviation Authority for the part covering the helicopter deck.

The objective of the audit activity was to verify whether the facility’s emergency preparedness is in accordance with relevant regulatory requirements and GdF Suez’s own governing documents. GdF Suez became production operator of Gjøa in November 2010.

“Gjøa is a new facility equipped to the highest standard.  Our main impression is that emergency preparedness is well-maintained on Gjøa. The emergency preparedness organisation appeared to be resilient, but we have nevertheless proven nonconformities and items with potential for improvement.” reads PSA’s statement.

The PSA discovered the nonconformities related to: communications system; approach and departure sector; lighting; registration of the helicopter deck’s movements; calibrating baggage weight;

Furthermore, potential improvement items were identified in connection with sign age and marking in outdoor areas expertise and training system governing documentation and information.

Partners in Gjøa are GDF SUEZ (30%), Petoro (30%), Statoil (20%), Shell (12%) and RWE Dea (8%).

Offshore Energy Today Staff, February 29, 2012