Installation of Norsepower's Rotor Sails onboard the SC Connector

Norsepower teams up with Keppel Offshore & Marine’s technology arm

 Installation of Norsepower's Rotor Sails onboard the SC Connector

Installation of Norsepower’s Rotor Sails onboard the SC Connector; Image credit: Norsepower

Finnish cleantech company Norsepower has signed a framework agreement with Offshore Technology Development (OTD), Keppel Offshore & Marine’s technology arm, on the commercialization of rotor sails.

Installation of Norsepower's Rotor Sails onboard the SC Connector; Image by Norsepower

Under the deal, OTD, which provides equipment to the offshore oil and gas, marine, and offshore wind industries, would provide assistance in the initial survey, design, and engineering works, and organise the equipment installation for Norsepower’s rotor sails.

On the other hand, Norsepower will deliver project management, delivery, and installation supervision to support smooth installation, servicing, and warranty support of the technology. 

As explained by its developer, rotor sails are capable of achieving, on average, between 5 and 20% reductions in carbon and other emissions, as well as fuel and fuel costs in suitable conditions. 

The solution is fully automated and detects whenever the wind is strong enough at which point the rotor sails start automatically.

Imminent regulatory drivers from the IMO, including EEXI and CII, pressure for shipping to enter an Emissions Trading Scheme, along with non-regulatory drivers are increasing pressure on ship owners and charterers to increase the efficiency of their vessels if they want to future-proof their businesses.

Wind propulsion is believed to be one of the key contributors to boosting existing fleet’s efficiency to meet the upcoming regulatory norms.

2020, especially the second half of the year, has seen a rise in interest in wind propulsion.

Large vessels using wind propulsion commercially are entering double figures, from VLCCs and LR2 product tankers through Ultramax bulkers to ferry/cruise, RoRo, and general cargo ships, further bolstered by the 20+ small cruise and sail cargo vessels under sail already in operation.

The recent large vessel contract announcements and pending installations alone indicate this number will likely double yearly to 2023, data from the International Windship Association (IWSA) shows.

Norsepower has completed five installations to date and is due to complete its sixth installation of five tilting Rotor Sails on a bulker during the first half of this year. 

The most recent projects include the completion of the installation of the world’s 1st tiltable rotor sails installed on a SEA-CARGO RoRo.