Nordsee One Keeping Underwater Noise Under Check


The developer of the 332 MW Nordsee One project has invited tenders for environmental monitoring and reporting during the construction phase of the offshore wind farm.

The contract covers underwater sound monitoring, marine mammal monitoring and acoustic deterrence in accordance with BSH Standard ‘Investigation of the Impact of Offshore Wind Turbines on the Marine Environment (StUK4)’ and Nordsee One Permit conditions.

The scope will be split into separate lots, with marine mammal monitoring and reporting constituting one lot, and the offshore underwater sound monitoring and reporting split into a baseline study pre-construction lot and a foundation construction phase lot.

Suppliers able to serve either the pre-construction phase lot, both construction phase lots, or all lots combined may also optionally provide vessel services. 

The offshore wind farm is situated approximately 32 km north of the island of Juist comprising 54 Senvion turbines with an individual capacity of 6.15 MW.

Nordsee One is owned by RWE Innogy and Northland Power after RWE sold 85% equity stake in three offshore wind projects including Nordsee One, as well as Nordsee Two and Nordsee Three, which are in early stages of development.

OffshoreWIND staff; Image: DEME