New strategic alliance targets sustainable energy solutions, hydrogen included


UK-based locator of subsurface resources Getech and U.S.-based energy services provider Expro have entered a strategic partnership to propel low-carbon geoenergy projects, including geothermal energy, natural hydrogen and carbon capture and storage (CCS).

Illustration only; Courtesy of Expro

According to the companies, the partnership’s primary focus is identifying and expediting opportunities within the emerging energy sector, aligning with the companies’ shared goals of supporting the transition to a lower carbon future.

Early initiatives include assessments of tender opportunities in regions such as Europe, Asia and Central America, the companies revealed, adding that beyond the immediate emphasis on geothermal, CCS and natural hydrogen, the collaboration has the potential to benefit Getech’s asset-based projects, augmenting the company’s domain-specific expertise and offerings through access to Expro’s diverse capabilities.

Max Brouwers, Getech’s Chief Business Development Officer, commented: “Many low-carbon energy projects rely on efficient subsurface drilling – either to produce a direct energy resource such as heat or natural hydrogen, or to store resources safely underground such as CO2. Our alliance with Expro and access to its well expertise enables us to offer comprehensive solutions in response to the growing demand for renewable energy sources. Together we can address complex energy challenges more efficiently and help organisations decarbonise by offering subsurface low carbon solutions.”

Ingrid Huldal, Expro’s Director for Sustainable Energy Solutions, said: “This strategic partnership not only enhances our value proposition but also streamlines project management, minimizes downtime, reduces operational expenditure and risk, and strongly aligns with our shared environmental commitments. As we witness a growing investment in renewable and decarbonization technologies, the synergies between Expro and Getech position us to play a pivotal role in advancing and supporting these transformative endeavors.”

To remind, in January 2024, Expro secured a contract with INPEX Corporation covering carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) for Japan’s first clean hydrogen production demonstration project, also known as the Kashiwazaki Clean Hydrogen/Ammonia project. Under the contract, Expro will deliver tubular running services for multiple sections of casing, liner and tubing across 12 months. The work scope covers one production well, one injection well and one monitoring well.

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