New gigs for DOF vessels in Brazil and North Sea

Business & Finance

Norwegian shipping company DOF has won new contracts from Petrobras and Chevron. 

Norskan Offshore, a Brazilian company subsidiary of DOF, has been awarded a one-year contract by Petrobras for the Skandi Fluminense vessel.

The contract is expected to start-up in July and it includes one ROV.

Skandi Fluminense is an anchor handling tug and supply (AHTS) vessel of a UT 722L design built in 2007.

Furthermore, DOF has been awarded a contract by Chevron North Sea for the vessel Skandi Kvitsøy.

The contract will be for a period of approximately 140 days starting June 2018 to support drilling operations in the North Sea.

Built in 2012, Skandi Kvitsøy is part of a new range of platform supply vessel (PSV) designs incorporating the new STX bow.