A photo of the WindFloat Atlantic floating wind farm n Portugal

New floating wind farm proposed to be built offshore Italy

Business Developments & Projects

Another 30-year concession request has been submitted to one of the local authorities under the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT) for a floating wind farm in the Mediterranean Sea.

Illustration; WindFloat Atlantic; Photo: Principle Power

The request was filed with the MIT and Port Authority of Cagliari by the Italian company Repower Renewable S.p.A. for a concession for the construction and operation of a floating wind farm in the territorial sea area offshore the southern coast of Sardinia, off the coats of the Municipality of Sarroch.

The project plan proposes installing 33 wind turbines on floating foundations and connecting the wind farm via an export cable to land, with the landfall site in the Municipality of Sarroch, from where an onshore cable would run to the existing Terna Cagliari Sud electrical station, where the project would connect to the national grid.

The concession request follows Repower Renewable’s filing of the same request for a floating wind farm southeast of the eastern coast of Calabria in January.

This project is also planned to feature 33 wind turbines and, with a proposed capacity of 495 MW, to use those with an output of 15 MW.

Repower Renewable was one of the 64 developers who last year submitted their Expressions of Interest (EoIs) to build floating wind farms in Italian waters to the country’s Ministry of Ecological Transition.