New fi-compass seminars open for registration

Authorities & Government

New series of advisory seminars about using financial instruments such as loans, bank guarantees, venture capital and other equity instruments in the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) is now open for registration.

The free-of-charge events are organised by the European Commission and European Investment Bank through their fi-compass advisory service.

Participants at fi-compass events can expect to further their understanding of how financial instruments can help in their efforts to deliver ESIF 2014-2020 objectives.

They will also learn how the fi-compass advisory platform and other initiatives can support their efforts to implement financial instruments. The events will also initiate the sharing of experiences in using financial instruments, enabling dialogue and learning between ESIF FI stakeholders.

Seminar sessions are provided both for organisations with experience of financial instruments as well as beginners.

fi-compass is a platform for advisory services on financial instruments under ESIF, and microfinance under the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). It is designed to support ESIF managing authorities, EaSI microfinance providers and other interested parties, by providing practical know-how and learning tools on financial instruments.

With a budget of €454 billion for 2014-20, the European structural and investment funds are the European Union’s main investment policy tool. By 2023, the ESIFs will deliver a critical mass of investment in key EU priority areas, to respond to the needs of the real economy by supporting job creation and by getting the European economy growing again in a sustainable way.