New Deliverables from DTOceanPlus Project

Research & Development

The EU-funded DTOceanPlus project has recently produced two new deliverables that have been openly shared with the marine energy sector.

The deliverables correspond to the technical manuals of the alpha version of two modules:

Energy Delivery module of the deployment design tool. This module will design the electrical infrastructure to transmit power from ocean energy convertors to the onshore electrical grid.

Environmental and Social Acceptance module of the assessment design tool.

The aim of the DTOceanPlus project is to develop and demonstrate a suite of second generation advanced design tools for the selection, development and deployment of ocean energy systems, including sub-systems, energy capture devices and arrays.

DTOceanPlus, through the H2020 program, is part of the initiative launched by the European Commission concerning free access to scientific publications and research data.

With the budget of €8 million, the project should last until April 2021, and includes European companies with international partners from the United States.

All public deliverables of the project can be downloaded.