Nevsky Shipyard: Two Ceremonies Held in One Day

Business & Finance

Two solemn ceremonies took place at Nevsky Shipyard, on April 26th 2014, the keel-laying of the medium-sized sea tanker “Academician Pashin” of 23130 project and the launching of the dry cargo vessel “NEVA-LEADER 8” of RSD49 project.

Nevsky Shipyard: Two Ceremonies Held in One Day

The keel-laying ceremony for the sea tanker took place in the covered shed. There was a traditional christening of the base section of the tanker during the ceremony.

The construction of the ship is being carried out in accordance with the State Contract for the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The project is developed by Spetssudoproect, JSC.

Under the contract the tanker is to be delivered in the end of 2016.

The shipyard also launched the dry cargo vessel “NEVA-LEADER 8” at the same day. The vessel is built for North-Western Shipping Company, JSC. The project is developed by Marine Engineering Bureau-Design-SPb, JSC.

Nevsky 2

The feature of RSD49 project vessel is the existence of a large middle hold in fifty two meters length, which makes it possible to transport “design” oversize and heavy-lift cargoes in one way voyage Europe-Caspian Sea.

RSD49 project vessels refer to «Volgo-Don Max» class. It means that vessels displacement meet the requirements of Volga-Don Shipping Canal.

RSD49 project vessels are multipurpose dry-cargo vessels of “river-sea” type. The vessels are intended for transportation of general and bulk cargoes including grain, timber, large-dimension and hazardous cargoes in the Caspian Sea as well as in the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, White Sea, North Sea including routes around Europe and on the Irish Sea in winter.



Press Release, April 27, 2014