Neart na Gaoithe Challenged over Threat to Birds

Authorities & Government

Neart na Gaoithe, the €2.1 billion offshore wind project located 30 km north of Torness will face an environmental challenge in a Scottish court this week.

According to an assessment by the Scottish authorities the 450-megawatt Neart na Gaoithe along with three other wind energy project are projected to kill about 1,200 puffins and 1,100 gannets a year during the breeding season through collisions or displacement, writes The Irish Times.

This is the reason behind the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds’ (RSPB) legal challenge against the government’s decision to approve the project saying that “they could have serious implications for how birds and important wildlife sites are protected across Scotland, the UK and beyond.“

Individually, Neart na Gaoithe is estimated to kill around 350 puffins and 230 gannets.

The project construction was scheduled to commence this year, however, due to the legal challenge it could be delayed for a couple of months.

While some think the projects are a threat to near seabird habitats, other believes RSPB’s actions are a threat to future progress in clean energy production.

OffshoreWIND staff; Image: rspb