Natuur&Milieu, Eneco Call for Further 700MW of Offshore Wind in the Netherlands

Investing in a package containing offshore wind, sun and bioheat is almost EUR 1 billion cheaper for Dutch consumers than biomass co-firing, according to a report commissioned by Nature & Environment (Natuur & Milieu) and Eneco, which called on the Dutch government for an additional 700MW of offshore wind farms to replace the co-firing of biomass in coal-fired plants.

The advantage of almost EUR 940 million is calculated based on the latest Borssele tender that resulted in offshore wind cost of 7.3 eurocents per kWh, while the co-firing of biomass in new coal plants will cost 11.4 eurocents per kWh according to subsidy scheme ( SDE +). A package with offshore wind would also provide three times as many jobs and ensure a lower energy bill for consumers, according to the report published today by CE Delft.

Responding to the news on the latest report, TenneT, which already plans to connect 3,450MW of offshore wind, said that adding further 700MW is possible, but only if the government would decide before the end of this year to build another wind farm at sea as an alternative to biomass co-firing in coal-fired plants.

In this case, TenneT can commit to putting in additional effort to increase the capacity of connecting the planned 3,450MW of new wind farms at sea in 2023, as laid down in the Energy Agreement, by 700MW.

Connection of an additional wind farm is only possible if during the course of this year a decision is taken by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the location is made known, so TenneT could link the location of the new 700MW wind farm by means of standardized connection concept based on alternating current technology.

Offshore WIND Staff