Murray Fenton India Mobilises for ABG Shipyard Project

Business & Finance

Murray Fenton India Mobilises for ABG Shipyard Project

Murray Fenton India, the Technical Services division of Bibby Ship Management (India) Pvt. Ltd, has been appointed by a consortium of banks as “Lenders Independent Engineers” for the ABG Shipyard Project.

This project will require the Murray Fenton India team to monitor the construction of vessels, ship lift projects and expenditure at the ABG shipyards – Magdalla and Dahej – as well as oversee financial disbursements to the yard.

Bibby Ship Management has mobilised a team of experts, including naval architects, ship yard specialists and procurement personnel to work on the contract.

Capt. Purnendu Shorey (Head of Technical Services) said: “We wish to establish ourselves as experts in this field and provide such services to financial institutions and ship yards in the near future.

Prakash Agarwal, Managing Director, said :“It is a beginning of new chapter in Bibby’ 207 year old history. This contract will take Bibby Ship Management India into a new league. It is a significant achievement indeed.”


Press Release; July 11th, 2014