MRECo to manage tidal testing in Turners Falls

Authorities & Government

The Marine Renewable Energy Collaborative (MRECo) has announced that it will manage tidal testing at Turners Falls, Massachusetts.

MRECo has entered into an agreement with the Conte Fish Research Center to use its flumes in Turners Falls for tidal energy testing, MRECo’s press release reads.

John Miller, Executive Director of MRECo, said: “We are very excited to be working with Conte to provide a standard two week test for in stream or tidal turbines, lowering the risk and costs of testing new technologies.”

The Conte flumes offer the first step for in water device testing, with larger devices to be tested at a planned site in the Cape Cod Canal, and full size turbines to be tested at a site in Muskeget Channel, off Edgartown.

MRECo is a non-profit organization that works to facilitate the growth of marine renewable energy. Working with researchers at regional universities, MRECo engages industry to accelerate the commercialization of new technologies.

The Conte Fish Research Center is a government facility established to conduct basic and applied scientific studies of fish passage and migration. The Conte Center has the largest flumes in the US and can provide a controlled, instrumented facility for testing turbines as well as studying the impact of turbines on fish.

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Image: MRECo