MRECo Gets Bourne Tidal Test Site Approval

Operations & Maintenance

Marine Renewable Energy Collaborative (MRECo) has received final approval from the US Army Corps of Engineers to install the Bourne tidal test site within the Cape Cod Canal.

We are very pleased the Corps of Engineers has determined that the Bourne tidal test site will have no impact on the critical mission of the Cape Cod Canal and the local environment,” said John Miller, executive director of the MRECo.

Funding for the test site was provided by the Seaport Economic Council. The test stand will be installed in a sheltered spot where access is exclusively via the Army Corps of Engineers’ facility and where it is far out of the navigational channel, the company explained.

Water velocity has been measured at over 2 meters/second (4 knots) on the maximum tidal cycle in both directions, enough to turn different types of tidal turbines to test their efficiency, power output, robustness and more. Turbines of up to 3 meters can be tested with vertical lift provided for easy access.

MRECo expects to install the platform in November and is accepting proposals for testing in the spring of 2018, the company said.