
MPA Singapore Revokes Inter-Pacific’s Bunker Supplier License

Business & Finance

Inter-Pacific Petroleum Pte will cease its operation as a bunker supplier in the Port of Singapore with effect from December 9, 2019, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) informed.

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Inter-Pacific’s license got revoked after the company filed for judicial management at the High Court of the Republic of Singapore.

With the appointment of the judicial manager, Inter-Pacific has failed to meet the terms and conditions of the bunker supplier license, leading to its revocation.

This follows MPA’s earlier revocation of Inter-Pacific’s Bunker Craft Operator Licence on October 15, 2019 due to bunkering malpractices.

Specifically, MPA’s investigations revealed magnetic interferences affecting measurements of bunkers supplied in numerous mass flow meter readings across Inter-Pacific’s fleet of bunker tankers.

According to MPA, the company had failed to ensure that its employees, including its cargo officers, comply with the terms and conditions of its license.

“MPA would like to remind all bunker licensees to adhere strictly to the terms and conditions of their licenses. MPA takes a serious view of contraventions of the license terms and conditions, and will suspend or revoke the relevant licenses where necessary,” the port authority said.