Minesto wraps EU-backed Deep Green tidal kite demo

Authorities & Government

Swedish marine energy developer Minesto has completed the offshore commissioning and test program of its EU-funded tidal energy project off Wales, having achieved electricity generation and verified the control system of its Deep Green tidal technology at utility scale.

Minesto's Deep Green device during test program in Wales (Photo: Minesto)

The project, which aims to demonstrate the Minesto‘s first utility-scale Deep Green subsea kite technology, comprised the construction, installation and demonstration of the company’s first 500kW tidal kite power system.

In spring 2018, Minesto installed and commissioned the site infrastructure – seabed foundation, tether, umbilical and a buoy containing a micro grid system – in the Holyhead Deep, six km off the coast of NorthWales, while the summer saw the power plant itself installed, marking the start of the sea trials.

The sea trials culminated in Minesto verifying the functionality of the Deep Green technology at a utility scale and successfully flying full subsea operational trajectories, as informed earlier.

Supported by €13 million of EU funds through the Welsh government, the project generated electricity for the first time with the Deep Green device in early October 2018.

“Through the project installation, commissioning and operation activities of our DG500 device, we are pleased to successfully have verified the control system of our technology at a utility scale, and to have achieved electricity generation for the first time with a commercial-scale unit.

“By doing this, we have completed the test program of our EU-funded project in Anglesey”, said Martin Edlund, CEO of Minesto.

David Collier, COO of Minesto, added: “This knowledge will enhance the functionality of the supporting infrastructure at the Holyhead Deep and other development sites. We have also developed and verified procedures which creates value both in an operations perspective and a business perspective.”

With the completion of its EU-funded project, Minesto has made a decision to resume offshore operations of its tidal energy system in the second quarter of 2019.

“We intend to use the winter period to focus on maintenance and power plant upgrades. We are looking forward to further building on the considerable asset base we have created in North Wales by continued site development work, to realise the full potential of our Holyhead Deep site,” Edlund said.