Minesto Participates at UNOPS’ Workshop on Island Nation Challenges

Research & Development

Minesto has discussed ocean energy solutions for off-grid environments in a workshop arranged by The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, held during a hackathon focusing on how to build sustainable and resilient infrastructure for island communities.

Dr Martin Edlund speaking at Dassault Systemes' 3DExperience Forum event in 2016. Photo: Minesto

We engaged in this initiative to help solve the challenges for islands that are subjected to major trials due to climate change,” said Dr Martin Edlund, CEO of Minesto. “One aspect of this is enabling secure and clean energy supply. Replacing diesel generation with renewables in areas where tourism is the main industry and land is a scarce resource makes ocean energy an important alternative. To do it cost effectively, Minesto’s technology is one of the few solutions available.”

The UNOPS-arranged hackathon named Dadlihack 2.0 with the theme Infrastructure and Resilience in the Face of Climate Change took place in Antigua and consisted of various workshops and events all aimed at solutions for building sustainable and resilient island communities.

Minesto contributed to the discussions with the company’s expertise in ocean energy electricity generation and off-grid applications.

Minesto’s CEO Dr Martin Edlund delivered a keynote speech alongside representatives from MIT and Sony on the opening day of the hackathon.