Minesto to award mooring contract for Deep Green plant

Business & Finance

Minesto, a Swedish tidal energy developer, is set to reveal the winner of the mooring system supply tender for Deep Green tidal power plant.

The company posted a tender for the procurement of the bottom joint mooring system that will be used for a 500 kW tidal power plant at the Holyhead Deep site off the coast of Anglesey, Wales.

In an e-mail sent to Tidal Energy Today, Minesto confirmed the contract award will be officially made later this week.

Under the procurement notice, the mooring would consist of off-connection to foundation with a release mechanism in order to retrieve kite for maintenance, and off 2-axle bearing.

Minesto’s Deep Green technology consists of a wing, that resembles the kite, and the electricity is produced when the water current creates a hydrodynamic lift force on the wing which pushes the kite, tethered trough a single mooring to the sea floor, forward.

The Deep Green tidal power plant is planned for deployment in 2017.

Note: The previous version of the article titled ‘Minesto hires SRP for mooring solution’, based on the information from the Welsh government’s procurement portal Sell2Wales, has been amended at the request of Minesto’s Press Office which stated that no contract has been signed yet, and that the award would be revealed at a later date.