MHI Eyes Uncharted Waters on Its Way to Sustainable Growth

Business & Finance

Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is set to enter uncharted territory starting from 2018 as the company aims to achieve sustainable growth.

With its expanding activities in Japan, but also across Asia, the Americas and the rest of the world, MHI said it needs to continue to develop solutions that respond to global needs and “take on the world’s toughest challenges.”

Together with expansion, the company aims for a future of sustainable development, as outlined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

“MHI now stands at a crossroads in our evolution. We must create a new way forward that combines our core engineering strengths with revolutionary new advancements in IT and digital communications,” Shunichi Miyanaga, MHI President and CEO, said.

Based on these fundamental guidelines, the company expects 2018 to be the first step towards a new stage of sustainable growth.

With only three months remaining in the final year of MHI’s 2015 Medium-Term Business Plan, MHI informed that it has fallen short in reaching the financial targets set in the plan, despite implementing a number of measures.

“While this is certainly disappointing, I want all of us to continue to make progress toward better results in the future,” Miyanaga added.

The company will continue to make progress on the issues that remain. In May 2018, MHI is scheduled to release its new Medium-Term Business Plan, when it will take “the next step toward our new phase of sustainable growth.”