MeyGen enters Decommissioning Programme

Authorities & Government

MeyGen is now carrying out a 30 day consultation as part of the Decommissioning Programme for Phase 1 (86MW) of the MeyGen Tidal Energy Project. The consultation period will end on 29th December 2014.


The Decommissioning Programme covers the measures proposed to decommission all offshore components of the project which are:

  • tidal turbine generators,
  • turbine support structures,
  • turbine submarine sables and associated split pipe protection.

Following decommissioning MeyGen will ensure that the seabed is clear of any debris or components that would cause a risk to navigation, the environment or other users of the sea. MeyGen is committed to restoring the site, as far as reasonably practical, to the condition prior to construction.

A monitoring strategy will be put in place to ensure that those components that do remain in-situ remain low risk to the safe navigation of the site, to other marine users and the natural environment.

In order that legitimate marine users are not significantly impacted by the decommissioning activities, MeyGen proposes early and comprehensive consultation process. The decommissioning programme consultation process will begin during the pre-construction period and continue during review process for this document prior to decommissioning commencing.

The MeyGen Tidal Energy Project Phase 1 has an aggregated capacity of 86MW. Given that the tidal stream energy industry is in its beginnings, the project will be installed in stages. The initial Phase 1a (6MW), to be constructed in 2015/16, will consist of:

  • 4 x 1.5MW turbines (complete removal),
  • 4 x gravity base turbine support structures (complete removal),
  • 4 x turbine submarine cables (partial removal).

Before subsequent stages are constructed, the Decommissioning Programme will be reviewed and costs and financial securities provided for that stage.

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Press Release; Image: Atlantis Resources Ltd/Illustration