Mermaid Maritime targets North Sea market

Business & Finance
Illustration: One of Mermaid’s vessels; Source: Mermaid Maritime

Thailand’s offshore vessel operator Mermaid Maritime has incorporated a subsidiary in the UK with an intention to provide its services in the North Sea.

One of Mermaid's vessels; Source: Mermaid Maritime

Mermaid said on Sunday that it had incorporated an indirect wholly owned subsidiary, Mermaid Subsea Services (UK) Limited (MSS UK), in the United Kingdom on February 7, 2020.

The company intends to use MSS UK as a vehicle to expand the provision of its subsea and related services into the North Sea sector.

The subsidiary is 100% held by Mermaid Subsea Services (Thailand) Limited, which is in turn wholly owned by Mermaid Maritime.

Mermaid said that the incorporation of MSS UK was funded using internal resources.

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