Massachusetts DPU greenlights Mayflower Wind OWF

Business Developments & Projects

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) has issued an Order approving long-term contracts of the 804 MW Mayflower Wind offshore wind farm with the Commonwealth’s Electric Distribution Companies.

Mayflower Wind

The project is expected to provide approximately 0.1 per cent to 1.8 per cent savings on customer’s monthly energy bills, all other bill impacts remaining equal, as it will have a total levelized price of 7.8 cents/kilowatt hour. The total net benefits overall, including both direct and indirect benefits, to Massachusetts ratepayers over the life of the contract are expected to be approximately USD 2.4 billion, according to the DPU.

The contracts now approved by the DPU result from An Act Relative to Energy Diversity, signed by Governor Charlie Baker in 2016, with the Mayflower Wind project set to bring the amount of offshore wind procured by the state to approximately 1,600 MW.

“The approval of these contracts furthers the Commonwealth’s development of an offshore wind industry that will create local jobs, spur economic development and provide Massachusetts ratepayers with clean, affordable and resilient energy”, said Governor Charlie Baker.

In 2019, the Mayflower Wind project was chosen to supply 804 MW of offshore wind capacity, with the expected start-up in 2025, in the second Massachusetts offshore wind solicitation.

The project was selected based on criteria established under a Request for Proposals (RFP) that was previously subject to public comment, and approved by the DPU after review by an independent evaluator in May 2019.

Criteria used in the evaluation of the bids included an economic evaluation of the benefits for ratepayers, the project’s ability to provide enhanced electric reliability, the project’s ability to foster employment and economic development in the Commonwealth, and the project’s mitigation of environmental impacts, according to the DPU.

“As a result of a stringent review, Mayflower Wind was determined to provide the greatest overall value to Massachusetts customers by delivering approximately 800 MW of offshore wind capacity per year while providing substantial ratepayer benefits”, the DPU stated.

The Order issued now approved the selection and found that these contracts are cost-effective as well as in the public interest.

“This approval ensures that the Commonwealth’s second offshore wind project offering cost-effective and locally produced clean energy can move forward”, said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “The Baker-Polito Administration’s efforts to grow the Commonwealth’s clean energy portfolio is key to achieving net zero emissions by 2050”.

The project is being developed by Mayflower Wind Energy LLC, a joint venture of Shell New Energies US and EDPR Offshore North America.