Marine Scotland to Host Public Meetings on Offshore Renewables

Authorities & Government

Marine Scotland to Host Public Meetings on Offshore Renewables

Local communities are being encouraged to get involved in Scotland’s plans for offshore renewable energy, as a series of public meetings kick off over the coming weeks.

The meetings will provide information about the planning process on how Scotland can utilise offshore wind, wave and tidal energy, and seek the views of members of the public to help inform this work.

Marine Scotland will be hosting the public meetings during September 2012. Meetings will take place in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Kirkwall, Newton Stewart and Stornoway.

Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead said:

“Scotland has huge potential for generating clean, green offshore energy. With around a quarter of Europe’s wind and tidal resources and ten per cent of wave energy potential, Scotland is well positioned to capitalise on our natural assets. That’s why we’re pressing ahead with plans to generate the equivalent of 100 per cent of our electricity needs from renewables by 2020.

We are at an early stage in the process of identifying further potential locations for offshore renewable projects. It’s very important that the views of local communities are carefully considered, as we want to answer any questions and be open and accessible about how these plans are being progressed.

“I would encourage all those with an interest to come along to the meetings taking place, find out more and take the opportunity to share their views. I am confident that by working in partnership with local communities we can successfully meet our ambitions to make Scotland a greener nation.” 


Offshore WIND staff, August 31, 2012; Image: RWE