Marine Energy: Unlimited Source of Power

As we move forward with the energy transition, technology developers are working to become part of the energy mix by unlocking the potential of ocean-based renewables and shift the technology from a research and development stage to a commercial stage.

Adis Ajdin, Editor at Offshore Marine Energy and Subsea, Image by Offshore Energy

Adis Ajdin, Editor at Offshore Marine Energy and Subsea, explains that the challenge is to lower the cost, increase production and deployment in order to get scale effects.

“When it comes to marine energy, we can safely say that Europe is the sector’s front-runner, being home to the world’s first offshore tidal array, the world’s largest array, and the world’s largest tidal turbine,” Ajdin said.

The energy talk takes a deep dive into different technologies being developed at the moment across the globe, including hydrogen production from wave power as well as floating solar power.

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