Marine Energy Pavilion to connect offshore with renewable energy

Business & Finance

Twelve international ocean renewable energy companies will showcase their technologies and explore opportunities for strategic collaborations with other offshore energy industries at a dedicated pavilion set up as part of Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference (OEEC) 2018.

Dutch Marine Energy Pavilion at OEEC 2017 (Photo: DMEC)

The Marine Energy Pavilion, organized by Dutch Marine Energy Centre (DMEC) with the support of the Interreg North West Europe project FORESEA, will highlight the mutual benefits of trans-disciplinary and international collaborations within the offshore energy sector.

According to DMEC, offshore companies could diversify in the growing market of offshore renewables. At the same time, marine energy technology companies could advance towards commercial projects faster by gaining access to the already established offshore expertise in the area of project installation, operation and maintenance.

Some of the ocean renewable energy technologies from the mentioned exhibitors (Photos: Exhibitors)

Therefore, Marine Energy Pavilion will this year unite 12 international companies from tidal, wave, and floating wind industries to raise awareness about marine energy in the maritime industry, and explore options for cross-sector cooperation.

Leading industry players including SIMEC Atlantis Energy, Tocardo Tidal Power, Minesto, Laminaria, Floating Power PlantSeaTwirl, Fishflow Innovations, Water2Energy, Teamwork Technology, De Nieuwe Afsluitdijk, Wood, and Eolink.

The OEEC is Europe’s largest annual offshore energy conference, where over 600 exhibitors showcase their products and services to the world’s leading experts, decision makers, buyers, sellers, and policy makers in offshore energy sector.

Marine energy has been one of the three pillars of the OEEC since 2016, next to oil & gas, and offshore wind, by hosting the Marine Energy Event for a targeted audience of leading marine energy professionals.

Hence, with over 12,000 visitors from more than 90 countries expected at this year – marine energy sector players attending the OEEC will be in great position to raise awareness about the sector, enhance their company’s visibility and profile across a wide range of markets.

The OEEC 2018 will be held in Amsterdam on (22), 23 and 24 October.