The UK Marine Energy Council (MEC) has welcomed 13 new companies as lead partners, set to support the council’s work in realizing the UK’s marine energy potential.

Marine Energy Council greets 13 new lead partners to drive UK marine energy growth


The UK Marine Energy Council (MEC) has welcomed 13 new companies as lead partners, set to support the council’s work in realizing the UK’s marine energy potential.

Source: UK Marine Energy Renewables (MEC)

MEC’s lead partners, described as “industry leaders” in tidal stream and wave energy, represent the innovative companies and organizations driving the UK’s 30 GW+ marine energy potential. They will join the MEC Board and provide strategic direction for future activities.

The newly-joined lead partners are Swedish wave energy company CorPower Ocean, the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), French tidal stream company HydroQuest, tidal energy company HydroWing, international marine contractors Leask Marine, Spanish tidal stream company Magallanes Renovables, and tidal stream kite company Minesto.

The companies that also joined MEC are tidal stream energy project Morlais, marine energy company Nova Innovation, Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (ORE Catapult), tidal developer Spiralis Energy, Scottish Renewables, and Wave Energy Scotland (WES). 

Established in 2018, the MEC has improved the UK investment landscape for marine energy by securing three tidal stream ringfences in renewable auctions and raising the profile of wave energy’s role in the future energy mix.

“Tidal stream and wave energy can have a key role in delivering the UK’s net zero ambitions. The MEC was created to give tidal stream and wave energy a voice and support efforts to make the UK attractive to investors and technology developers from around the world,” said Sue Barr, Chair of the MEC.

“Thanks to the support of our Lead Partners our work can continue. With a world-leading pipeline of tidal stream projects, and significant wave energy resource, I look forward to working with the Lead Partners and the new Board in realising the UK’s marine energy potential.”

In June 2024, MEC outlined five key asks for the upcoming Government to realize the potential of wave and tidal energy, and embed UK content into projects deployed domestically and internationally.