MARIN to invest in Bosch Rexroth wave generators

Authorities & Government

Bas Buchner (MARIN president) and Ron van den Oetelaar (General Manager Bosch Rexroth Benelux) have signed the contract for a new wave generator for MARIN’s new Concept Basin.

According to the contract,  Offshore Basin and Seakeeping and Manoeuvring Basin will get a new wave generation control system.

The wave generator in the Concept Basin will be installed in August 2015, making it suitable for small and medium size enterprises (SME’s) to conduct their testing and research operations.

Bas Buchner said: “Reliable and accurate wave generation is paramount for MARIN’s services to make ships cleaner, smarter and safer. When this project is finalised, we will have state-of-the-art wave generators in all our test facilities, simulating realistic wave conditions.”

The update of the wave generators in the Offshore Basin and Seakeeping and Manoeuvring Basin will be carried out at the end of 2015/early 2016, MARIN’s press release reads.

Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) is a provider of advanced expertise and independent research to the maritime and offshore industry.

Image: MARIN