Manx Tidal gets approval for tidal energy exploration

Authorities & Government

The Isle of Man government has granted a survey licence to Manx Tidal Energy to explore the possibility of developing a tidal array off the Point of Ayre.

The seven-year agreement will enable Manx Tidal Energy to carry out preliminary work to determine the practicality and commercial viability of offshore electricity production, Isle of Man government’s press release reads.

According to the Isle of Man government, leasing parts of the Island’s seabed for renewable energy generation is expected to make a major contribution to public funds and local job creation.

Phil Gawne, Isle of Man’s Infrastructure Minister, said: “The granting of a survey licence to Manx Tidal Energy is a welcome first step towards realising our vision. This will allow the company to conduct work to determine a number of important factors, including the suitability of the seabed to install turbines and the strength of the tidal current off the Point of Ayre. If the surveys prove that a tidal array is viable the Department would look to agree a lease for development, subject to all the necessary approvals being in place.”

In addition to the area off the Point of Ayre, there is potential for survey licences to be granted for three further sites off the southern end of the Manx coast.

Any development would be subject to approval under the relevant consenting regime and would also require the submission of a full environmental impact assessment.

Laurence Skelly, Economic Development Minister for Isle of Man, said: “The granting of the survey licence has been achieved as a result of collaborative working between the public and private sectors. If the development of tidal arrays in Manx waters is viable, all the infrastructure costs involved in building and installing the facilities would be borne by the developer rather than the Isle of Man government. This industry has huge potential for the future and I look forward to further progress being made.”

Andrew Roy, Chairman of Manx Tidal Energy, added: “The size and scale of the site could make this the largest tidal energy project in the world to date. The ambition of the industry is matched by a vision from Government and the issue of this survey licence demonstrates the political appetite exists to unlock the vast potential of the Irish Sea’s clean energy resources.”

The granting of the survey licence follows an announcement in November 2014 of Manx Tidal Energy as the preferred partner to develop tidal power within the Island’s approximately 20 km territorial seas.

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Image: Map from National Geographic’s MapMaker Interactive; data from the Isle of Man Government