Maersk Drilling chief financial officer to step down
The chief financial officer (CFO) of Danish offshore driller Maersk Drilling has announced he would leave the company.

Maersk said that the company’s CFO Jesper Ridder Olsen has decided to pursue another opportunity outside the company.
According to a statement from the company, Olsen will leave the company by the end of January 2021 at the latest.
Jørn Madsen, CEO of Maersk Drilling, said: “Since he joined the company in 2018, Jesper has been instrumental in the transformation of our company from a business unit in A.P. Moller – Maersk to an independently listed company on Nasdaq Copenhagen.
“I would like to thank Jesper for his contributions to Maersk Drilling and I appreciate his commitment to ensuring a smooth and efficient handover in the months to come as we commence the search for his replacement”.
Olsen was appointed as the CFO and member of the company’s executive management team back in 2018.
He joined A.P. Moller – Maersk in November 2017 as head of accounting, control and tax. He served as A.P. Moller – Maersk’s external auditor from 2001 until 2013 and as a signing partner from 2006 to 2013, where he was also responsible for the audit of Maersk Drilling.
Olsen was also involved as an advisor on several of A.P. Moller – Maersk’s large transactions.