Local Residents Concerned about Swansea Bay Tidal Plans
Residents living near Dean Quarry, which will help in the development of Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon, have raised their voice against its reopening, according to south Wales evening Post.
A campaign group called Community Against Dean Super Quarry claims that activities at the quarry will bring noise pollution to the area and damage tourism.
Last year, Shire Oak Energy revealed its plans to reopen Dean Quarry, saying that it would extract at least 1.5 million tons of material in the first year, creating around 40 new jobs. Back then, one of the residents commented: “If they employ local people, it’s got to be good for the community.”
The rock from the quarry will be used to build a 9.5 kilometre breakwater to create around 11.5 square kilometres of the Swansea Bay tidal lagoon.
Image: cornwall