LiDAR Campaign Starts on FEW Baltic II Offshore Wind Farm

Baltic Trade & Invest (BTI) has announced the deployment of a Seawatch Wind LiDAR buoy within the area of the 350MW FEW Baltic II offshore wind farm project in the Polish Baltic Sea.

The Seawatch Wind LiDAR buoy will measure a number of parameters at the site some 50km offshore, on the north side of the Slupska Bank, including wind speeds at different heights above water, wave heights and frequency, and ocean currents, for at least 12 months to aid in the final project design.

The wind measurement campaign is provided by Fugro from Norway in collaboration with MEWO, their polish local partner.

BTI has been developing the FEW Baltic II project, together with its partners Van Oord and Green Giraffe, since 2017.

“Deployment of this measurement equipment is a significant milestone in our project timeline. It will enable the further detailed project design works, the wind turbine procurement and for achieving the building permit by 2021,” said the Director of the Board of BTI, Joanna Rzepecka.