Hunterston Test Turbine to Go Out with a Bang

Research & Development

SSE Renewables is set to conclude decommissioning of the Hunterston National Offshore Wind Turbine Testing Facility in Scotland with the controlled felling of the remaining turbine.

The original intention was to dismantle the components of the Siemens 6MW turbine by crane. However, a suitable method of safely dismantling the turbine by crane could not be established, SSE Renewables said. As a result, controlled felling has been identified the only feasible method for decommissioning the unit.

The Siemens turbine is scheduled to be brought down by controlled explosion on 26 September, subject to suitable weather conditions.

Hunterston’s project manager, Ross Cowie, said: “We have successfully employed the felling technique in conjunction with Keltbray to bring turbines down at other sites in the past, so we have the knowledge and experience to fell this turbine safely.”

Hunterston’s unique offshore-like wind resource, coupled with its existing grid connection, made it the ideal site for testing new offshore turbine technology on land, SSE Renewables said. After successfully concluding its intended role, the site will be handed back to landowner Peel Ports following the decommissioning.

“Our Hunterston testing facility was instrumental in enabling the deployment of offshore wind turbine technology for the UK’s offshore wind supply chain,” Director of Operations Jeremy Williamson said.

“The site had a key role in providing key data enabling the deployment of the 84 Siemens Gamesa 7MW turbines at the recently completed Beatrice offshore wind farm in Scotland. Hunterston also allowed for testing under real-world conditions technologies which have since been deployed on offshore wind turbines across the world.”

Consented in February 2012, the Hunterston Offshore Wind Turbine Test facility, located in North Ayrshire, is the UK’s first onshore test site for offshore wind turbines. Apart from the 6MW Siemens turbine, the site was home to a Mitsubishi 7MW Sea Angel offshore turbine which was decommissioned last year.

NOTE: The original article has been amended after the controlled felling of the turbine was pushed back by SSE from 19 September to 26 September.