Kriegers Flak Accommodation Unit Wanted

Business & Finance

Energinet and 50Hertz Transmission GmbH are seeking a jack up rig or a vessel capable of providing accommodation and other services for crew and personnel to be positioned next to an offshore substation on the Kriegers Flak offshore wind farm in the Danish Baltic Sea.

The jack-up or the vessel should be in place for approximately three months, from May to July 2018, during the hook up and commissioning of the substation, the two transmission system operators said.

The contract is valued at EUR 4 million and the tender will remain open until 09 November 2017.

Energinet is constructing onshore and offshore infrastructure to connect Vattenfall’s 600MW Kriegers Flak wind farm to the Danish grid.

The wind farm consists of two sections, each with its own substation.

The west section, KFA, will have a total capacity of 200MW. The east section, KFB, will have a total capacity of 400MW.

The KFB substation will also serve as the support for the KFE module which is part of the so called Combined Grid Solution, a joint project between Energinet and 50Hertz to interconnect the Danish and German grid via two offshore wind farms, Kriegers Flak and Germany’s 288MW Baltic 2.