Kongsberg Maritime Unveils EM 2040 Compact Multibeam Echosounder (UK)

Business & Finance

Kongsberg Maritime Unveils EM 2040 Compact Multibeam Echosounder (UK)

Kongsberg Maritime will introduce the new EM 2040 Compact, a sophisticated multibeam echo sounder for high resolution mapping and inspection applications, during Ocean Business 2013.

Based on the state-of-the-art EM 2040 multibeam, the EM 2040C is a significant development in acoustic technology that makes highly detailed surveys of shallow water possible using small boats and launches. Kongsberg Maritime will also offer another variant, the EM2040CX for use on AUVs, ROVs and other vessels of opportunity.

Available in single or dual head configurations, the EM 2040C is the natural successor to Kongsberg Maritime’s established compact multibeam, the EM 3002. Because the EM 2040C is based on the most sophisticated shallow water multibeam technology platform available today, it offers significantly improved performance over the EM 3002, whilst still being suitable for use aboard small vessels.

The EM 2040C ensures that highly accurate data is available in real-time. This makes it possible to conduct very cost-effective surveys with lower requirements for post-processing, due to the high quality of data available. Application possibilities include port and harbour surveys, post-dredging surveys, shipwreck exploration, habitat mapping, pipeline inspection and hydrographic surveys to a standard that exceeds IHO S44 and LINZ performance requirements.

The EM 2040C features high resolution and a wide frequency range from 200 to 400 kHz, with frequency selection in steps of 10 kHz. It uses Frequency Modulated (FM) chirp to extend range and offers a maximum depth of 490m with a beam width of 1° x 1° at 400 kHz. In dual configuration, with two Sonar Heads tilted to each side, 200º total coverage can be achieved, which enables surveying to the water surface or up to 10 times water depth on flat bottoms.

“The EM 2040 Compact introduces a wealth of new possibilities by providing the same levels of clean & accurate data as the highly acclaimed EM 2040 multibeam whilst being similar in size to our existing compact multibeam, the EM 3002,” comments Helge Uhlen, Product Sales Manager, Kongsberg Maritime. “This means that highly detailed data, which requires no, or very little post processing, can be available for a much wider range of survey applications.”

KONGSBERG multibeam systems are recognised for high sounding accuracy, dense pattern of soundings to cover the seafloor, excellent build quality and robustness. In addition to the soundings, all KONGSBERG multibeam echo sounders produce water column data and seabed image data similar to a side scan sonar image. The water column data is useful to detect the shallowest depth or for displaying objects and features in the water column such as seeps and tops of masts, etc. The seabed image is useful for characterising the seabed and can detect features not visible in the sounding data.

Kongsberg Maritime has created a straightforward upgrade path from the EM 3002 compact multibeam to the new EM 2040C. For a limited time, EM 3002 owners will also be offered a discount on exchange of EM 3002 components when upgrading to EM 2040C.

Press Release , April 04, 2013; Image: Kongsberg