Kentish Flats Extension Wires on Their Way


Cable laying barge, Nostag 10, carrying array cables, is on its way to Kentish Flats Extension offshore wind farm site.

The vessel was first to arrive at the NSW’s factory berth in Nordenham on Friday 1st May. Currently in transit, it is expected to arrive on the site later this week.

The second cable laying vessel, BoDo Installer, completed the loading of the export cables on Tuesday 5th May but with bad weather interference.

“With only 600 metres of cable left to load, a thunderstorm moved in, and operations were delayed for a few hours,” said Vattenfall.

High winds then meant the barge had to find a sheltered berth at Bremerhaven where cages for the concrete mattresses were installed.

Final loading of mattresses and the excavator is expected by tomorrow.

Image: vattenfall