KBR to study green ammonia-based power system for drilling units

Business Developments & Projects

US engineering company KBR will conduct a study to develop a carbon-neutral, green ammonia-based power system for a semi-submersible drilling unit owned by Odfjell.


As part of the study, KBR will collaborate will Odfjell, Equinor and Wärtsilä to assess the conversion of the diesel generators onboard drilling units to ammonia-fueled generators.

“We are excited to be a part of a collaborative effort that will fully integrate KBR’s semisubmersible technology expertise, Wärtsilä’s power systems, and Odfjell’s and Equinor’s operations capabilities, all to deliver a carbon-neutral solution”, said Jay Ibrahim, president of KBR Sustainable Technology Solutions.

KBR, an ammonia licensor, is using K-GreeN technology to produce carbon-free ammonia based on the electrolysis of water.

Last month, the company entered into a global licensing agreement with offshore engineering and constructions services player McDermott to provide integrated solutions for its ammonia technologies.

As part of the deal, McDermott and KBR will jointly evaluate opportunities to provide modularized execution concepts to drive additional efficiencies tailored to the needs of green and blue ammonia projects.

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This summer, a joint venture between KBR and Azerbaijan’s SOCAR was awarded a front-end engineering design (FEED), turnaround engineering, and procurement support services contract by BP for the Shah Deniz Alpha (SDA) platform in Azerbaijan.

This project is expected to significantly reduce SDA’s overall carbon footprint and increase operational efficiency, providing a robust, long-term, high-availability power supply.

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