Japdeva Orders Pilot Vessel from Damen

Business & Finance

In April 2014, a contract between JAPDEVA (Costa Rica) and Damen Shipyards Group for a Damen Stan Tender 1504 was approved by the Controller General of the Central-American country.

Japdeva Orders Pilot Vessel from Damen

The contract is the conclusion of a thorough tender process that started in 2013.

With this contract JAPDEVA, the autonomous government body that manages the ports in Puerto Limon on the Atlantic side of Costa Rica, will expand its fleet of Damen-designed and -built vessels to five ships: the new Damen STe 1504, one other Damen Stan Tender and three Damen Stan Tugs.

The vessel is named “Doña Laura”, after the Costa Rican president Mrs. Laura Chinchilla and will be used by pilots, operating in the ports of Puerto Limon and Moin.

The Damen Stan Tender 1504 is described by the builder as a very able and manoeuvrable vessel, especially capable in providing continuous service to its users. The vessel is expected to arrive in Costa Rica in May 2014.

“This is a result of the Damen philosophy to build multiple standard vessels in stock, in order to ensure rapid deliveries to its clients,” Damen said in a release.

Damen, May 4, 2014