
Japanese consortium to bid for wind project offshore Akita

Business & Finance

A consortium of eight Japanese companies will jointly bid to develop an offshore wind power project in Akita Prefecture for which a public tender is scheduled.

Sumitomo Electric/Illustration

Sumitomo Corporation, INPEX Corporation, Japan Petroleum Exploration, JR-EAST Energy Development, Kato Construction, Narita Construction, TEPCO Renewable Power, and Venti Japan will jointly take on the project near the cities of Noshiro, Mitane, and Oga.

The Noshiro-Mitane-Oga offshore wind farm will be a fixed-bottom foundation project with a capacity of up to 480 MW. The wind farm is scheduled to be operational by 2026. The wind farm zone covers an area of 59 km2 with water depths of up to 30 metres.

In accordance with the Offshore Renewable Energy Act, the Japanese government is presently designating areas for which offshore wind power producers will be selected by public tender.

The area offshore Akita Prefecture offers a very suitable natural environment, with its favorable wind conditions and relatively shallow waters, so it appears likely to be designated a promotion area, the companies said.

Sumitomo Corporation has since 2018 been conducting environmental impact assessments, seabed surveys, wind condition studies, and other research in the area.

The consortium as the operating body will be making preparations for submitting a proposal for the proprietary use of the area.

The developers will also take into consideration the views expressed by a council comprising representatives from Noshiro, Mitane, and Oga as well as the national government’s policies as it develops the project.