Jan De Nul crew rescues 15 refugees in Mediterranean Sea


The crew onboard Jan De Nul’s offshore installation vessel Simon Stevin has rescued 15 refugees off the coast of Algeria that had been drifting for several days in the Mediterranean Sea.

Jan De Nul
Source: Jan De Nul

The crew noticed a sloop with eight men, two women and five children on the evening of 10 November during a sea journey from Türkiye to Belgium.

The refugees had been drifting for several days some 75 kilometers off the coast of Algeria.

Source: Jan De Nul

According to Jan De Nul, all 15 were in good health, but weakened and hypothermic, and the crew provided them with food, drinks, warm clothing, a bed and blankets to recuperate.

The refugees spent the night on board and were picked up by the Algerian coastguard on the morning of 11 November.