Jan De Nul Confident for Year Ahead

Business & Finance

Jan De Nul Group has just presented the company’s Annual Report 2017 with an overview of its activities and a financial report.

Image source: JDN

According to the release, in 2017, JDN realised a turnover of 1,758 million euro. More important, the company reported continued and even increasing profitability of Jan De Nul Group’s activities.

The EBITDA in 2017 amounted to 365 million euro, rising to 21% of our turnover, an increase of the EBITDA margin compared to last year of no less than 4%. The net profit amounted to 70 million euro.

JDN also added that the 2017 was concluded with an order book of 2.61 billion euro, a stable figure over the years.

The order book includes several challenging projects: in Mumbai (India), a joint venture with Jan De Nul Group is deepening and widening the access channel to the Jawaharlal Nehru Port; in Cotonou (Benin), idn will build for the local authorities a submarine breakwater of four kilometer for protecting the coast; in Texel (the Netherlands), the company will reinforce the seaside of the Prins Hendrikzand dike, which is over 3 kilometers long, with sand; etc.

Speaking about the strategic investments, JDN said that in the summer of 2017, the multi-purpose vessels Adhémar de Saint-Venant and Daniel Bernoulli were completed in China.

Immediately after their delivery, the vessels got down to work for, among others, rock installation works, trenching operations, the installation of a gravel bed and the ballasting of Gravity Based Foundations.

Also in 2017, Jan De Nul Group ordered three hopper dredgers, two with a capacity of 6,000 m³ each and one 18,000 m³ hopper dredger, showing the group’s focus on market leadership through the use of a diversified and modern fleet.

Both 6,000 m³ hopper dredgers will be built by Keppel Offshore & Marine in Singapore with scheduled deliveries at the end of 2019 and in the first semester of 2020. The larger hopper dredger will be built in China by COSCO; the completion of this vessel is scheduled for 2020.

The company’s newest and biggest self-propelled cutter suction dredger Willem van Rubroeck was launched in August 2017 on the shipyard Uljanik in Croatia. However, the construction of the vessel is set back following a reorganization on the shipyard. Its delivery is now planned for autumn 2018.

The construction of three hopper dredgers with a capacity of 3,500 m³ each by Keppel Singmarine in China is going according to plan. The delivery of these vessels is scheduled for the second half of 2018 and the first half of 2019. These vessels will be named after the Portuguese explorers Afonso de Albuquerque, Diogo Cão and Tristão da Cunha.

To download the complete annual report of Jan De Nul Group please click here.