A map showing Codling offshore wind farm's location and project borders

Irish 1 GW offshore wind project looking for consenting consultant

Project & Tenders

Codling Wind Park Ltd has issued a tender for the provision of all consenting management and environmental impact assessment (EIA) consultancy services for the Irish 1 GW offshore wind farm.

Codling Wind Park Ltd

The awarded party will work on planning and licensing requirements for both offshore and onshore activities to achieve all necessary consents and planning-related activities up to financial close.

The tender is open until, and including, 6 August and the contract will be signed for a duration of 60 months.

The initial development work on the Codling project, located some 13 kilometres off the coast of County Wicklow, started in 2003.

The project is spread across two sites, one of which is consented (Codling 1).

This May, the Irish government designated seven offshore wind projects as relevant and put them on a fast-track through the new marine planning regime.

One of the selected projects is Codling I and II, now jointly owned by EDF Renewables and Fred. Olsen Renewables.

The developers are currently undertaking technical, environmental, socio-economic and commercial studies to determine the maximum installed capacity of Codling Wind Park.

The project is expected to be built in the mid-2020s, subject to the consenting process.