Iran: IOEC Starts Pipe-Laying at South Pars Phase 16

Business & Finance


The Iranian Offshore Engineering and Construction Company has started Pipe-laying operations for South Pars phase 16, the project manager for SP phase 15 and 16, Abbas Haji Ghasemi announced.

He went on to say that, 6 barges are responsible for the loading operation of the pipes for which one has already handed over its pipes to the pipe-laying vessel, C-Master stationed at the operation zone.

C-Master is already present at the project sit and it has started its pipe-laying operation, Iran’s SHANA news agency reported.

The construction of the 48 crossing support has been concluded in Isfahan and the “Mud mat” and “Bullard” pieces have been transferred to Assalouyeh for assembly.

He said that pipe-laying operation for phase 16 of this field will start 5 Km from the shore and continue until the 109 Km.

It’s worth mentioning that, this operation will take between 2 to 2.5 months.


Source:Nigc ,  May 30, 2011; Image: Kito