Indian Hygenco and Swiss Ameropa eye green ammonia collaboration

Indian Hygenco Green Energies and Swiss Ameropa have signed a term sheet in view of the potential supply of green ammonia from Hygenco’s planned ammonia project in Odisha, India.

Courtesy of Hygenco

Hygenco said the two companies aim to export green ammonia to European and Asian markets.

According to Hygenco, the first phase of the planned ammonia project will produce 600 tonnes per day (tpd), with commercial operations slated for 2027. The second phase is estimated to double this by early 2028. The project is expected to reach its full production capacity of 1.1 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) by 2030.

Commenting on the partnership, Amit Bansal, Co-Founder and CEO of Hygenco Green Energies, claimed that the term sheet highlights India’s position to “lead globally in this sector, by harnessing its abundant renewable energy resources and strong infrastructure.”

Beat Ruprecht, Ameropa’s Head of Ammonia, stated: “Ameropa reckons the undoubtable fast-tracking of green ammonia projects in Odisha state, India. The Swiss trader has decided to support Hygenco’s well-advanced plans whilst nurturing the ambition of a global portfolio of low-carbon ammonia.”

To note, Hygenco is developing multiple green hydrogen plants in India and plans to invest $2.5 billion in green hydrogen and green ammonia projects in the next three years.

For more news about ammonia in India, click here.