Inch Cape Proposes New Onshore Substation Site


After the Inch Cape Offshore team had spent the last year consulting on a new location for its onshore infrastructure, based on the feedback received on the initial application, the developer has now submitted a new application to East Lothian Council for planning permission in principle, proposing the former Cockenzie Power Station site as the new location for Inch Cape offshore wind farm’s onshore substation.

Image source: Inch Cape

The application and supporting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) address the construction, operation and decommissioning of an onshore substation, electricity cables and associated infrastructure required for the transmission of electricity from the proposed offshore wind farm. The EIA report did not identify any potentially significant residual effects on any environmental or human receptors other than minimal impacts to landscape and visuals which will reduce over time, the developer said.

“We have taken on board the local community’s feedback on the originally proposed site and therefore proposed a new location for the onshore components of the wind farm in this new application. We have made every effort to study potential impacts to the local communities and the environment. We will continue to listen to the public’s feedback and concerns in coming months.” 

If the application in principle is consented, a more detailed planning application will be submitted in due course.

The proposed offshore wind farm is located some 15km off the Angus coastline. The site covers an area of approximately 150km2 and will consist of up to 72 turbines.

In November 2017, the Supreme Court in London rejected RSPB Scotland’s petition seeking to appeal the Scottish Court of Session May 2017 decision which reinstated consent for the Inch Cape wind farm. The project is currently under development and is expected to enter construction in 2020.

“This project is of national economic and environmental value. Not only will it help the Scottish Government make significant strides in its efforts to achieving carbon free energy, it will act as a positive catalyst in the local area as it continues to go through a period of change following the closure of the power station. By working with the local community and relevant stakeholders we believe we can ensure these goals and benefits are realised,” Ian Johnson said.