Image of the Day: SME and FORCE Deploy FAST 3 Platform

Photo: SME

Sustainable Marine Energy (SME) and Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE) crew deployed the FAST-3 monitoring platform at the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Photo: SME

The Fundy Advanced Sensor Technology (FAST) deployment is part of the Pathway 2020 Project which aims at providing a solution of environmental monitoring programs for the tidal energy industry in Nova Scotia.

Namely, the Pathway Program is a collaborative effort between FORCE and OERA put together to establish a suite of integrated environmental monitoring sensors for monitoring bottom-deployed turbines and floating tidal energy platforms.

Environmental monitoring of tidal turbines can provide information on interactions between devices and fish and marine animals that is necessary for the sustainable development of this resource. Information from early turbine deployments can help inform environmental impact assessments and mitigate risks for larger future deployments.