IHC Robbins Continues Partnership with Titanium Corporation

Business & Finance
Image source: IHC

IHC Robbins has been awarded the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for the first commercial scale Mineral Separation Plant at an oil sands operator by their client Titanium Corporation Inc. based in Calgary, AB, Canada.

Image source: IHC

Commenting this, Matt Robbins, Senior Project Manager for the CVW™ MSP Project, said: “This project has been some 15 years in the making and the recent progression to FEED represents a very positive step forward towards commercialization for Titanium Corporation. Our project delivery team is excited to continue our partnership and technical contribution with Titanium Corporation during 2018 and beyond.

“This is a rare opportunity to be involved in a project where so many positives are apparent including environmental benefits and the creation of a flagship Mineral Sands Industry in Canada.

“We look forward to continue working with our long-standing partner, IHC Robbins, particularly given their unique expertise relating to the processing aspects of the heavy minerals suite from oil sands froth treatment tailings,” added Scott Nelson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Titanium Corporation.

The FEED project is being supported by Emissions Reduction Alberta (“ERA”) through the award of grant funding of up to the lessor of $5.0 million or 50% of engineering design, with Titanium Corporation and an oil sands operator funding the balance.

IHC Robbins and Titanium Corporation

Titanium Corporation’s technology reduces the environmental impact of oil sands froth treatment tailings, while economically recovering valuable products that would otherwise be lost.

Titanium Corporation’s CVW™ technology recovers bitumen, solvents and minerals from oil sands froth treatment tailings, preventing these commodities from entering tailings ponds and the atmosphere.

Volatile organic compound and greenhouse gas emissions are materially reduced and avoided. Furthermore, hot tailings water is improved in quality for recycling and residual tailings can be remediated more readily.

A new Canadian minerals industry will be created commencing with the production and export of zircon and a HiTi by-product.

In 2004, IHC Robbins provided detailed design engineering, procurement support, equipment supply and commissioning services for a wet and dry pilot plant facility located at the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) in Regina, Saskatchewan.

This was followed up with the engineering, supply and commissioning of on-site bulk sampling and processing modules at an oil sands operator’s facility in 2005 and 2006.

Image source: IHC