Ideol and Elicio Preparing Joint Offer for ScotWind Leasing

Project & Tenders

Ideol and Elicio have partnered ahead of Crown Estate Scotland’s upcoming offshore wind leasing round to offer to co-develop floating wind farms off Scotland.

On October 31, the two companies informed that they were preparing a joint offer for ScotWind leasing, adding that they aim to co-develop floating wind projects with the highest level of local added-value.

“Combining the track-record of Ideol in floating wind and the experience of Elicio in offshore wind offers a unique value proposition maximising certainty of a successful project development, based on the effective creation of a Scottish supply chain, a competitive LCOE and a proven floating technology,” said Paul de la Guérivière, CEO of Ideol.

Elicio holds a 50% stake in the Belgian Norther offshore wind farm, and 12.5% in the Rentel offshore wind farm. The company is also one of the partners behind the development of the Seamade offshore wind farm.

Crown Estate Scotland is expected to announce the ScotWind leasing launch date in November.

The launch has been delayed two times so far, with Crown Estate Scotland explaining that the final timings of the leasing are directly linked to the development of Marine Scotland’s Sectoral Marine Plan (SMP) for Offshore Wind.

The SMP will help ensure maximum transparency and fairness from the beginning of the process and give all stakeholders confidence that they can take well-founded decisions, Crown Estate Scotland said.

The closing date for applications is expected to be around four weeks after the Adopted SMP is available.